CT Evictions Set to Commence Again
The Judges of the Superior Court have issued the following order pertaining to evictions:
Consistent with Governor Lamont’s Executive Order 7OOO, effective September 2, 2020 there is no further stay ordered on the issuance or service of an execution following judgment on nonresidential evictions, evictions for serious nuisance, residential nonpayment evictions for nonpayment of rent on or before February 29, 2020, or for evictions where the landlord has a bona fide intention to use the dwelling as the landlord’s principal residence.
Further, there shall be no additional stay on the issuance or service of any summary process execution, or execution of ejectment, where the judgment of possession in a summary process case, or vesting of title in a foreclosure case, occurred prior to March 19, 2020, provided that the application does not violate any federal moratorium on evictions or foreclosures.
All previously issued executions that have expired must be returned to Court and a new application must be filed. It is further ordered that, effective September 2, 2020, there shall be no stay on the issuance or service of wage, financial, or property executions. All previously issued executions that have expired must be returned to Court and a new application must be filed as “Execution Refiled as Corrected -No Fee”. ” James W. Abrams Chief Administrative Judge for Civil Matters